

One True God In Three Persons: The Son, Jesus Christ


1. Isaiah 9:6  Our God is our King & Savior, Jesus Christ!
2. The one true God revealed Himself: The Father; Jesus Christ, The Son; The Holy Spirit
3. God came in the person of Jesus Christ to save us:
   a. Matt. 28:18-20 reveals one God in three persons
   b. John’s gospel proves Jesus Christ is God
   c. Col. 1:15-18 Jesus Christ sustains all things
   d. Heb. 1 The angels worship him as God
   e. Jn. 3:16  His role was to die for our sins

  I.  Matt. 28:18-20 Reveals One God in Three Persons
   A. Matt. 28:18-20 We Are Baptized into Union with One God in Three Persons
            1. Singular “the name:”  one divine nature, character, authority
               a. Ex. 3:13-14  “What is his name:…I AM”
               b. Ex. 6:2-3 “by my name Jehovah was I not known:” future events to show more his divine nature
               c. Isa. 42:8 “the LORD is my name…my glory…my praise:” do not assign divine nature to idols
            2. Plural persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
            3. Three divine persons share one “name:”  divine nature, character, authority

II. John’ Gospel Proves Jesus Christ Is God
   A. Jn. 1:1-18  The Word Was God:  The Full Expression of God’s Will & Purpose
            1. Vv. 1-3 The Word was God from eternity, Creator of all things  
            2. Vv. 4-13 He is the source of life & light (enlightenment, knowledge of God), the Savior of all men           
            3. Vv. 14-18  He is the full & final revelation of God, greater than John & Moses
   B. Jesus Claimed to be God, the Eternal I AM
            1. Ex. 3:14  is the basis of his claim
            2. Jn. 6:35  I AM:  the source of eternal life
            3. Jn. 8:12 I AM:  the light of salvation to all
            4. Jn. 8:58  “I AM:”  greater than Abraham
            5. Jn. 9:5  I AM:  the light to the blind
            6. Jn. 10:7, 9  I AM:  the door to salvation
            7. Jn. 10:11, 14  I AM:  the good shepherd
            8. Jn. 11:25  I AM:  the source of all life
            9. Jn. 14:6  I AM:  the way, truth, & life
          10. Jn. 15:1, 5  I AM:  the vine planted by the Father to produce the fruit of saved souls

   C. His Miracles Confirm His Claim



Jn. 2:1-11 Water to wine

Power of nature, time

Jn. 4:46-54 Heal official’s son

Power over disease

Jn. 5:1-9 Heal invalid

Power over helplessness

Jn. 6:1-13 Feed 5,000 with a few loaves & fish

Power over hunger

Jn. 6:16-21 Walk on water

Power over nature’s limitations

Jn. 9:1-7 Heal blind man

Power over sight

Jn. 11:1-44 Raise Lazarus from the dead

Power over death

Jn. 20:1-29 Jesus’ resurrection

Power over hades

Jn. 21:1-11 Great catch of fish

Power over nature’s bounty

III. Col. 1:15-18 Jesus Christ Sustains All Things
   A. Col. 1:15-18  Christ Is Preeminent In Creation & Salvation
            1. He is the exact representation of God
            2. He is the firstborn
              a. Ex. 4:22  “Israel is my son…my firstborn:” preeminent position
              b. Not time or sequence but position!
            3. He is preeminent for three reasons:
              a. Vs. 16  “By him all things were created”
              b. Vs. 17  “By him all things consist”
              c. Vs. 18  “He is the head of the body”

IV. Heb. 1 The Angels Worship Him as God
   A. Heb. 1:1-3  Christ Is the Final Prophet, Priest, & King
   B. Heb. 1:4-8  The Father Taught Angels to Worship the Son as God

V. Jn. 3:16  His Role Was to Die for Our Sins
   A. Jn. 3:16  The Word Took the Role of the Father’s Son to Die for Our Sins

1. Isaiah 9:6  Our God is our King & Savior, Jesus Christ!
2. The one true God revealed Himself: The Father; Jesus Christ, The Son; The Holy Spirit
3. God came in the person of Jesus Christ to save us:
   a. Matt. 28:18-20 reveals one God in three persons
   b. John’s gospel proves Jesus Christ is God
   c. Col. 1:15-18 Jesus Christ sustains all things
   d. Heb. 1 The angels worship him as God
   e. Jn. 3:16  His role was to die for our sins
4. Believing Jesus Christ is God, let us submit to him to receive salvation:
   a. Matt. 28:19  Our sins are washed away when we submit to Christ in baptism,
       and thus we enter into fellowship with God
   b. 1 Jn. 1:9  If we fall back into sin, we can be restored